Solusi Inovatif

Membangun masa depan yang lebih baik bagi wilayah kita melalui penerapan teknologi, praktik bisnis yang berkelanjutan, dan solusi yang menjawab kebutuhan beragam industri

Keuangan Berkelanjutan

Menyediakan solusi finansial yang kreatif untuk meningkatkan efisiensi ekonomi daerah dan mendukung pembangunan berkelanjutan.

An expansive urban landscape featuring a large industrial building with solar panels on its roof. Roads and highways weave through the area, bordered by rows of lush green trees and landscaped parks. The cityscape in the distance includes various structures, and the sky is dominated by large clouds with patches of blue.
An expansive urban landscape featuring a large industrial building with solar panels on its roof. Roads and highways weave through the area, bordered by rows of lush green trees and landscaped parks. The cityscape in the distance includes various structures, and the sky is dominated by large clouds with patches of blue.
Energi Terbarukan

Our renewable energy solutions focus on environmental sustainability while promoting economic development in the region.

Kami mendukung pertumbuhan UMKM dengan menciptakan teknologi ramah lingkungan yang mendorong inovasi dan kolaborasi, sehingga menciptakan ekosistem bisnis yang lebih baik.

Pengembangan UMKM
An aerial view of a sprawling urban and industrial area surrounded by extensive greenery. Residential neighborhoods with numerous houses are prominent in the foreground, while industrial facilities and factories are visible in the background. Lush trees and vegetation are interspersed throughout the cityscape, creating a stark contrast between urban development and nature.
An aerial view of a sprawling urban and industrial area surrounded by extensive greenery. Residential neighborhoods with numerous houses are prominent in the foreground, while industrial facilities and factories are visible in the background. Lush trees and vegetation are interspersed throughout the cityscape, creating a stark contrast between urban development and nature.
An aerial view of a complex of modern buildings with green roofs and solar panels, surrounded by lush greenery. The surrounding area features a mix of industrial and residential buildings, under a partly cloudy sky.
An aerial view of a complex of modern buildings with green roofs and solar panels, surrounded by lush greenery. The surrounding area features a mix of industrial and residential buildings, under a partly cloudy sky.
woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Solusi-solusi kreatif dari Mesodigi telah membawa perubahan besar dalam upaya kami mewujudkan pembangunan yang berkelanjutan dan mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi di wilayah ini.


A street-level view features a light rail vehicle with the Region of Waterloo logo prominently displayed. The background includes a multi-story brick building with numerous windows and a more modern glass building. Street signs, a speed limit sign indicating 30, and overhead cables for the rail system are visible. The scene captures elements of urban transportation and architecture.
A street-level view features a light rail vehicle with the Region of Waterloo logo prominently displayed. The background includes a multi-story brick building with numerous windows and a more modern glass building. Street signs, a speed limit sign indicating 30, and overhead cables for the rail system are visible. The scene captures elements of urban transportation and architecture.

Komitmen mereka terhadap energi bersih dan kerja sama telah memberikan kontribusi besar dalam meningkatkan efisiensi operasional kami dan mendorong pertumbuhan bisnis secara signifikan


Two large wind turbines with three blades each stand against a cloudy blue sky, indicating a focus on renewable energy.
Two large wind turbines with three blades each stand against a cloudy blue sky, indicating a focus on renewable energy.

Kontak Kami

Innovative, large solar panel structures designed like futuristic trees, situated in a landscaped area with various plants and a pathway. The scene includes people walking, and the architecture emphasizes a modern, sustainable design.
Innovative, large solar panel structures designed like futuristic trees, situated in a landscaped area with various plants and a pathway. The scene includes people walking, and the architecture emphasizes a modern, sustainable design.

Butuh solusi inovatif untuk mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah Anda yang lebih berkelanjutan? Kami siap membantu. Hubungi kami untuk konsultasi lebih lanjut.